Dairy Cows – The Ultimate Recyclers!

Dairy Cows – The Ultimate Recyclers!

Got…Beer? You might be wondering what milk and beer have in common, but dairy farms and breweries actually have a unique relationship that helps eliminate waste and contributes to a sustainable food system. About 85 percent of the byproducts from beer production come in the form of spent grains, or the leftovers that typically don’t …

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It’s Cow Appreciation Day!

It’s Cow Appreciation Day!

Tuesday, July 9 is Cow Appreciation Day. To celebrate, we wanted to share some “dairy fun” 😉 cow facts! Check them out below! DYK: On average, a dairy cow weighs about 1,500 lbs. Cows are red-green colorblind. Good thing they don’t have to pick out clothes or worry about stoplights! Dairy cows produce about 6-7 gallons …

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Big Dairy Farms are still Family Farms

Big Dairy Farms are still Family Farms

Tall, green corn stalks reach up towards the clear, blue sky, trying to soak up every last ray of sunshine, as Tim and Steve Kayhart walk down the aisle of their free-stall cow barn.  On this warm, sunny day, the fans in the barn whir – blowing fresh air on the herd of 1,000 Holstein …

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Need a New Fitbit Challenge? Find a Farmer!

Need a New Fitbit Challenge? Find a Farmer!

Are you using an activity tracker like a Fitbit to move more in the new year?  Whether you’re an athlete, a busy mom, a farmer, or even a cow, you’ve got to get those steps in to meet your daily goals! Wait a minute…a cow? You bet! We caught up with two farm families who …

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Just Chillin’ – Keeping Dairy Cows Comfy in the Winter

Just Chillin’ – Keeping Dairy Cows Comfy in the Winter

New England winters may have us all longing for the Caribbean, but for the region’s dairy cows, well, they’re real troopers when it comes to months of cold temps and falling snow. The reason they can weather the weather (sorry, we couldn’t resist) is the ingenuity of dairy farmers. Take Mark Duffy of Great Brook …

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Technology: Helping to Feed Our World

Technology: Helping to Feed Our World

From your cotton t-shirt, to the milk on your cereal, to the ethanol gas in your car, our lives are powered by agriculture.  Farming practices change from generation to generation to keep up with a growing global population. In the 1940’s one U.S. farmer produced enough to feed 19 people.  By the 2000’s that number …

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