I flipped the calendar last week and August stared out at me with a big circle around August 27th that read, “First Day of School.” YIKES! My eldest daughter Kaela will be hitting the books third-grade style and Charlotte will be exploring the “big” playground in first grade.
It is hard to avoid all the back to school advertisements or shelves full of school supplies, but I decided to hang on to summer for as long as possible this year. My family and I have had a great summer and there is still much fun to be had and memories to be made!
I love working for dairy farmers, the most dedicated, hardworking and passionate people you will ever meet. Even my kids think I have a “cool” job. Dairy, in all its glorious forms, is a staple in our fridge. It is often asked, “Mom, did one of your dairy farmers make this?” Milk, cheese and yogurt are a part of every meal in our house. It is important that Larry (my husband), Kaela, Charlotte and I are all getting our 3-servings a day so that we stay healthy and strong.
Beyond the walls of my own home, it is hard not to teach my children about dairy and about my job working for dairy farmers because dairy teaching moments always seem to pop up!
You can’t miss this dairy truck driving down the highway! So the conversation starts on how milk goes from the farm to the grocery store. (Yes, this picture was taken safely!) Learn how milk gets from farm to you on the Must Be The Milk website.)
Sitting on a cow is not recommended, unless you are visiting the Providence Children’s Museum and learning about Elizabeth Mott in the 1640s! Elizabeth and her family immigrated from England to the Massachusetts Colony before heading to Portsmouth, RI where her family finally settled (and still is today!). This cow is called a Devon cow and was one of the first cows the early settlers brought over to the ‘new land’. The Devon was called a dual-breed cow and used for dairy and beef. Who knew!? I give two-thumbs up and time well spent at the Providence Children’s Museum.
We’re not always on the go. Sometimes staying at home, enjoying each other’s company and using our imagination is in order. At the youthful ages of 6 and 8, my girls enjoy playing “school.” I was thrilled to see that one of the lessons of the day was Fuel Up to Play 60! Nice poster Charlotte!
Yes, milk, cheese and yogurt are part of our diets, but we do enjoy something cold and refreshing on these hot summer days…ice cream!
I will continue to enjoy the last days of summer vacation with my family BUT I suppose I will start thinking about what to pack in lunchboxes. One thing is certain though, dairy will be in there. Until then, I will keep my toes, whole body, in the sand! Could you pass me a chocolate milk please?