Introducing Team Dairy New England!
Meet our new friends! Throughout 2017, our bloggers will showcase dairy's diverse role in family recipes and childhood nutrition.

Click to learn more about our bloggers!
Need a New Fitbit Challenge? Find a Farmer!
22,332 steps! Yep, that's a days work on the farm.

W hether you're an intense athlete, a busy mom, a farmer, or even a cow, you've got to get those steps in to meet your daily goals!

Wait a minute...a cow? You bet! We caught up with a farm family who joined the "Fitbit craze" and so have their cows! 

Click to read more!
'Mooo're Pizza  Please!
January 8-14 is National Pizza Week!  Follow us on social media for awesome, kid-friendly, and creative pizza recipes all week long! 

Must Be The Milk | 1034 Commonwealth Ave. | Boston, MA 02215 |