Baileybrook-FarmThe picturesque Bailey Brook Farm is a focal point along Route 4 south in East Greenwich, just before the Frenchtown Road exit, and son Paul now oversees daily operations, since Rodney is now 85. He still can be found in the barn or out in the field, however, says wife Judy.

Since 1980, Bailey Brook Farm has been a member of Agri-Mark Cooperative, the regional dairy cooperative that owns the Cabot brand, which picks up their milk every day and markets it to customers in southern New England.

Part of their milk is also sold locally under the Rhody Fresh brand in conjunction with seven other local farms. The farm has been a member of the RI Dairy Farmers Cooperative, which produces Rhody Fresh Milk, since 2009.

Rodney Bailey formed a partnership with his son, Paul, in 1998. Today, the Baileys milk 40 cows on their 225-acre farm. They also produce hay on 30 acres, silage corn on 20 acres, and have 25 acres of pasture. The Bailey family farms land on both Bailey Brook Farm and the adjacent Fry Farm on Route 2 in East Greenwich, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The success enjoyed by the Bailey family and other dairy farmers who produce local milk products is helping to protect and preserve hundreds of acres of farmland that will support continued agricultural endeavors for this and future generations to enjoy.

The next generation is ready to roll as well, says Judy. Her grandchildren are very active with their local 4-H chapter, which introduces young people to agriculture and have shown their Jersey, Red, and White Holstein cows. Three granddaughters also are active members of Future Farmers of America and have served as chapter and state officers.

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